Finally,I finished my  English  final presentation .It is kind of nightmare for me,

I am almost going to go banana!!so I think I  have better finish it as soon as

possible.Besides,I am wondering that I need to  burn the  midnight oil how

manytimes on  studying so as to pass the exam .

As I know,this school has a lot of homeworks ,you don't even know how to

prepare it especially in the midterm and final exam.What a school it is!!

Actually,I spent almost all night on preparing my English presentation.

I made a powerpoint which introduce one of the paintings of Monet(what a

boring subject).

I have already tried my best to make it interesting.I really hope my English

 teacer would like it and give me a nice grade.

Anyway,I can start to enjoy my winter vacation now,hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!


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